all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 7AA 0 54.976155 -1.381359
NE34 7AB 1 54.975306 -1.378732
NE34 7AD 0 54.973447 -1.380651
NE34 7AE 1 54.972744 -1.376756
NE34 7AF 1 54.970633 -1.375349
NE34 7AG 2 54.976675 -1.380976
NE34 7AH 0 54.976572 -1.380196
NE34 7AJ 0 54.978001 -1.382034
NE34 7AL 0 54.977301 -1.382169
NE34 7AN 0 54.977602 -1.38318
NE34 7AP 0 54.975726 -1.381693
NE34 7AQ 0 54.976783 -1.379271
NE34 7AR 0 54.975339 -1.381684
NE34 7AT 0 54.975255 -1.388215
NE34 7AU 0 54.975266 -1.386653
NE34 7AW 0 54.976974 -1.383362
NE34 7AX 0 54.975242 -1.383857
NE34 7AY 5 54.975848 -1.386285
NE34 7BG 0 54.976025 -1.387501
NE34 7BH 0 54.977863 -1.386832